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I hope you’re doing well ! I wanted to personally share some exciting news – ADAMftd, a powerful new service from the International Trade Council, is about to launch. As a limited-time opportunity, it's available only to a select group of pre-subscribers. ADAMftd uses official company registry, shipping documents, customs declarations, and public records to create a complete picture for businesses looking to comply with KYC, AML and Supply Chain Transparency Laws. It’s also fantastic for prospecting and looking for market opportunities. Here’s a quick look at what ADAMftd offers: • Global market prospecting: Find buyers and partners across international markets. • Company due diligence: Instantly verify business credentials and assess risks. • Product rules & regulations: Get real-time access to compliance requirements for exporting your products globally. This is a game-changing tool to give you a competitive advantage in international trade. To learn more and secure early access, visit adamfortrade.com today! Best regards, Joe

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